If you struggle with knowing how to keep your life on the right path, here are three choices you can make every morning that will start your day off right:
- Choose to trust God, knowing that He loves you and that there is nothing you can do to make Him love you any more or any less than He already does. His love for you is complete.
- Choose to rejoice in the Lord because Jesus rescues you on a daily basis.
- Choose to praise the Lord for His goodness toward you.
“But I trust in your unfailing love. I will rejoice because you have rescued me. I will sing to the Lord because he is good to me” (Psalm 13:5-6, NLT).
Father, today I choose to trust in your love for me. I choose to praise you throughout the day for your goodness toward me, knowing that you will reveal it to me many times over. I choose to rejoice in my salvation because Jesus rescues me moment by moment. Thank you for drawing me to Him. Please drive me by your Holy Spirit today to make the right choices based on your Word. I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
(The above is excerpted from the book, Be Encouraged: A Daily Devotional, Volume 1 by Pastor Gregory A. Johnson. Copyright © Gregory A. Johnson. All rights reserved.)
Know that you are loved,