Throughout history, God’s Spirit has been at work. You can read the Bible and see God’s Spirit leading and guiding, empowering, and prophesying, bringing God’s will on earth to fruition.
The events documented in the Bible did not come about by accident or chance. God sent His own son into our world to take care of our sin problem.
The word of God says, "Through the Spirit, Christ offered himself as an unblemished sacrifice, freeing us from all those dead-end efforts to make ourselves respectable, so that we can live all out for God (Hebrews 9:14-15 MSG)."
Christ has obeyed every assignment his heavenly father has given him, including the cross, the most difficult assignment of all. As Scripture tells us, it was through the Spirit.
Jesus now empowers all those who will deny self and follow him. Jesus empowers us with his Spirit so that we can live all out for God!
Beloved, no matter what you are going through today, you will get through it. It will not be through your own strength or ability. You will overcome and succeed through the Spirit that Christ has given you. Don’t be down and out, feeling overwhelmed by it all. Choose today to keep your head up and your eyes fixed on Jesus. Live all out for God, knowing that the best is yet to come!
PLAY today’s video teaching from Pastor Greg