The news of this world is troubling. If you watch the evening news or read the daily newspaper, you know what I mean. There are wars, rumors of wars, terrorism, civil unrest, genocides, droughts, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, shootings, kidnappings, robberies, assaults—the list goes on and on. This world is troubled.
Christ-followers live in this troubled world, struggling at times, but they are not part of this world. They are here on temporary assignment to follow Christ, making His Kingdom known. Their citizenship is out of this world. They live here in the midst of trouble, but their victory is secure! The One they follow has overcome the world, and because He did, they will.
Beloved, our victory is in Jesus. We find trouble in the world, but we find victory in Him. Jesus secured our victory. There is no trouble that can keep us down. Death cannot stop us. The grave cannot hold us. Jesus is coming back riding a white horse of victory. The first time He came to be our example and our savior. The next time He comes as the King of kings and the Lord of lords! We can shout today in total VICTORY! Hallelujah! Maranatha! Our Lord, come.
(Jesus said,) “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33, NIV).
Victorious Lord, when I watch the news, I find it troubling. Sin, evil, devastation, hardship, heartache, and violence abound all around this world. Darkness casts its shadow throughout the land. In the midst of it all, you give me your peace, knowing that victory is imminent. My victory is in you, Lord Jesus, and it is secure in you. You have already overcome the world. Your victory assures mine, as I fix my eyes on you and follow you. I look forward to you coming and rescuing your followers from this troubling world. Oh Lord, come! It’s in your name that I pray, Jesus. Amen.
Excerpted from the book, Be Encouraged: A Daily Devotional, Volume 3 by Gregory A. Johnson. Copyright © by Gregory A. Johnson. All rights reserved.
Know that you are loved,