
Saturday, September 13, 2014

A Picture of the Throne of God

by Gregory A. Johnson
A Picture of the Throne of God, by Gregory A. Johnson

Have you ever wondered what the throne of God will look like? God's word gives us a vivid picture of it. There is a sea of people so grand in number that they cannot be counted. Every nationality and every language is represented (Revelation 7:9, NIV).

The position of those around the throne is significant. God and Jesus are in the center, and a sea of people is surrounding them. Angels are surrounding the sea of people. The sea of people, all in white robes are in the inner circle, and the angels are in the outer circle. The angels were created to serve God, but they were never redeemed. There is no need to redeem them because they have not sinned. The inner circle is saved for the redeemed—the ones in white robes. They have been bought back from a life of sin. The purchase price was costly; it was through the blood of God’s own son.

Listen to the testimony of those around the throne. “And they cried out in a loud voice: Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb” (Revelation 7:10, NIV). They are specifically proclaiming that salvation is only by God and through Jesus. Joy overwhelms them.

The angels fall prostrate before God and begin to worship Him (Revelation 7:12, NIV). Angels who have never sinned are praising God in all humility. How much more should we who have sinned and been redeemed by the precious blood of Christ humble ourselves and worship Him?

Where did this sea of people come from, and how did they get there? They have overcome the world. While they were on earth, they accepted Jesus as their Savior and followed him as their Lord (Revelation 7:14, NIV).

Beloved, we live in an evil and perverse world that grows increasingly out of step with God’s Word. Go daily to the foot of the cross and crucify your flesh. Be washed in the blood of the lamb. At the foot of the cross, we decrease, allowing Jesus to increase in our life, living his life through us.

Notice the special care given to those around the throne and allow it to draw you:
  • Those around the throne will never again experience separation from the presence of God (Revelation 7:15, NIV).
  • Those around the throne are protected from pain and suffering (Revelation 7:16, NIV).  
  • God wipes away their tears (Revelation 7:17, NIV). There is no crying around the throne; just joy unspeakable and full of glory! 
There is so much about God’s presence and spending time with him for all eternity that I can’t comprehend, but I know one thing: I want to be a part of the great multitude wearing white robes. I want to be found in this beautiful picture painted for us in God’s Word.

Beloved, it is at the cross of Jesus Christ where we wash our robes in his atoning blood. We can only do that while on earth. Follow Jesus and overcome the world. Be saved from the wrath of God, basking in the warm light of his grace, allowing the rays of his peace to penetrate and flood your soul. Be found among the great multitude wearing white robes around the throne. You will be under God’s special care for all eternity. Hallelujah!

Know that you are loved,