As we approach the coming of our Lord, we are surrounded by ever-increasing evil. Many are
overwhelmed by fear. What is the Christ-follower to do? We are to overcome evil with love. Jesus has not left his followers powerless until he returns. He has given us his Spirit, which empowers us to live as loving overcomers.
Please allow me to share with you a short devotion that I have written.
As we fix our eyes on Jesus and follow Him, the Holy Spirit empowers us on our journey. The Holy Spirit is our supernatural partner and is a gift from God.
In giving us the Holy Spirit, God has given us what we need to continue the point-of-need ministry of Jesus in our day. We do not walk in fear. Instead, we are given power, love, and self-discipline by the Holy Spirit.
Beloved, as you walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, you will be full of love and your life will be measured by self-discipline.
SCRIPTURE: “God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control” (2 Timothy 1:7).
PRAYER: Father, I thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit that you give to all who follow Christ. Empower me by your Spirit today to live for Christ in a world that has gone mad. Help me reveal the love of Christ today through my words and actions. Give me the self-discipline I need to be a conqueror of every temptation that the devil throws at me. I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Excerpted from the book, Be Encouraged: A Daily Devotional, Volume 1 by Gregory A. Johnson. Copyright © Gregory A. Johnson. All rights reserved.