We all have seen them. They stand at busy intersections holding up signs asking for help. We are sometimes quick to judge, but we don’t know their story. How did they get to this point in their life? What caused their need to beg, standing in the smothering heat of summer or the bone chilling and teeth-rattling cold of winter. How did it come to this?
Check out this paragraph of Scripture:
Then they came to the town of Jericho. Jesus was leaving that town with his followers and many other people. A blind man named Bartimaeus (son of Timaeus) was sitting by the road. This man was always begging for money. The blind man heard that Jesus from Nazareth was walking by. The blind man shouted, "Jesus, Son of David, please help me!" ( Mark 10:46-47 ERV).When Bartimaeus heard all the commotion from the crowd coming toward him, undoubtedly someone told him it was Jesus, and Bartimaeus got Jesus’ attention.
Bartimaeus didn’t know that his life was going to be changed that day, but he did know that Jesus could help him.
There is one thing each of us needs. We need mercy, and God is willing to give it to us. Where we go wrong is we so often let pride and people keep us from asking God what we need most from him.
Bartimaeus was not shamed into silence; he did not let pride and people stop him. He needed Jesus to do something in his life that no one else could do or was willing to do. He needed mercy. He needed Jesus to help him, and he cried out for that help.
Beloved, let’s not be shamed into silence. Let’s not let people get in the way. We need mercy. We need grace. We need forgiveness. Let’s ask Jesus to help us. He is always willing.
No matter how life has beaten you up, cry out to Jesus today, asking for help and knowing that the best is yet to come!
PLAY today’s video teaching from Pastor Greg