I am always humbled by the number of people who take time to read what I write. I simply share what God lays on my heart, finding that God often allows me to be transparent, writing from a life that has experienced not only joy and peace, but also pain, hardship, hurt, trials, and tribulations on my journey as I follow Christ. I pray for the Spirit of God to encourage and inspire each reader as they read each word.
I'm thankful for the readers from 68 countries that read what I have written and shared in 2017. Please allow me to share with you the top ten posts read in 2017:
- Why Do We Need God?
- Three Choices That Will Start Your Day off Right Every Day
- One Thing That God Is Most Willing to Give Us
- How to Successfully Reach Your Destination
- How God Prepares Us for Service
- How to Seek God
- How to Inherit the Kingdom of God
- Don't Forget the Needy and the Poor
- How to Live All out for God
- Forgiven Sin and What Jesus Expects
I pray that you have a very blessed 2018. May grace and peace be multiplied to you and to those you love.
Know that you are loved,