I’m most happy in life, seeing and experiencing God’s beautiful and, at times, breathtaking creation that screams to my innermost being his authenticity. The plants and trees, the lakes, the rivers, the oceans, the mountains, the valleys, the forests, the prairies, the deserts, the animals, and the people are all utterly amazing and unique. Who was the artist who took a blank canvas and turned it into God’s masterpiece, vibrant with color, texture, and personality that speaks to all our senses?
God’s Word says, “He was there with God in the beginning. All things were made through him (the Word). Nothing was made without him (John 1:2-3 ERV).”
The Word, God’s message to us, the one God sent into our world as a human baby in a manger, Jesus was the artist and his fingerprints are all over the masterpiece.
Jesus brought into existence everything that is and has been, bringing life to God’s most intimate thoughts and desires. His power gave birth to the masterpiece of creation while his ongoing word maintains and holds it up, including you and me.
Words cannot adequately describe how great and awesome Jesus is, yet he cares enough about us to come into our world and die for us. I’m thankful that he knows you and me. He knows us, and he cares for us.
Friend, Jesus is heaven’s message to you. He is your creator. Thank him today. Thank him for knowing you. Thank him for caring for you. Thank him for knowing all your flaws yet still loving you. Thank him for making you unique and special so that you can do specific things in his Kingdom. Ask him to identify those things, empower you to do them, and fulfill his purposes for your life.
Always remember that you are a part of God’s masterpiece; Jesus is the artist.
Know that you are loved,