Please allow me to give you three things you can do today and every day to help yourself regardless of the circumstances that surround you.
First, rejoice in our confident hope. As a child of God and a follower of Christ, rejoice in the fact that Christ is saving you from this world and all its difficulties. His return is imminent. All Bible prophecy up to the return of Christ has been fulfilled. Be ready. It is the very next big event on God’s agenda. Beloved, this is our confident hope. Rejoice in it.
Second, be patient in trouble. When trouble comes your way, pray, asking God to help you. He will help you, but his help may not be immediate. Be patient. Don’t try to fix your troubles without God’s solution. That will bring more trouble. Instead, pray and wait for God’s solution.
Third, keep on praying. Never stop praying. Keep going to God, continually bringing all your needs to him and patiently waiting for his solution.
Check out Romans 12:12 today in God’s Word, the Bible. It says that we are to, “rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble and keep on praying.”
Beloved, you can help yourself today and every day by doing these three things: Rejoice in our confident hope, be patient, and keep on praying.
PLAY today’s video teaching from Pastor Greg