Friday, June 14, 2019

There Is Hope in a Famine of Truth

by Gregory A. Johnson

There Is Hope in a Famine of Truth, by Gregory A. Johnson

We are living in a famine of truth today. Many in our day are looking to social media and the Internet for advice, information, and even direction in life. As you know, we cannot always trust the information found online. Yes, we are living in a famine of truth today, but I have good news for you — there is hope.

Listen to these words of Jesus found in the Gospel of John. Jesus says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me" (John 14:6).

Friend, please know that Jesus is relevant to your life and to your daily living. He is the way you need to go. He is the direction in life that you need to take. As you keep your focus on Jesus and you follow him, you will make the right decisions and you will end up in the right places. Follow Jesus.

Many today, including those in leadership, are deceptive and some never tell the truth, being habitual liars. Friend, Jesus never deceives. Look to him for truth. Make the life and teachings of Jesus the absolute truth for all your beliefs and actions. When you do, you can measure everything you hear, everything you read, and everything you see with the life and teachings of Jesus. As you line everything up with Jesus, you will know what the truth is and what it is not.

Jesus gives us life and the life he gives is abundant and it is eternal. As sojourners, following Jesus, he takes us on a wonderful journey. Ultimately, he takes us to glory where we will live in his presence forever. The best is yet to come!

Beloved, Jesus is the way; Jesus is the truth; Jesus is the life. He is our blessed hope.

Know that you are loved,

PLAY today’s video teaching from Pastor Greg